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Woops! Just learning to Blog... Not quite sure how everything works. I want to tell you more about Luminopolis my event that is vtaking place on 26th February at 6.00pm at The Canal, Brindley Place, Birmingham. From the Sea Life Centre to The Mailbox.

I will be on the canal boat Jericho with Andy McKeown and all the projection equipment. The images will be projected along the buildings of the canal as we move along. This has not been done before so fingers crossed that it all works.

I am a mature MA Fine Art student at Birmingham Institute of Art and Design (BIAD). Luminopolis is a transient site specific work looking at the marginalisation of the elder person. I have tried to capture a fleeting essence as I captured the image. The photographs were taken in and around Brindley Place, or taken of people who either work there or use the numerous eateries, or entertainment facilities.

I spent only a minute or two with each person just asking if I could take their photograph and explaining who I was and what I weas doing. As always the general public were kind and happy to participate in this piece of ART.

"Making the invisible visible" a quote from Jacques Ranciere.

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Sarah Fortes Mayer

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